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Parking Lot

Parking Lot

UTK Pick-up and Drop-off

UTK students will enter the school from the first C building gate.  

UTK Students will be picked up at the double gate in front of their classrooms. Please do not stand in the yellow parking lot zone while waiting for your child. 


Each primary teacher has a specific area in front of the school where students will sit behind the red line and wait to be picked up.  

Just as in drop-off, both lanes will be used for pick-up.  The campus supervisor will allow your child to walk to the car when the car is within 3 cars from the crosswalk and via the white line in the 2nd lane.  

If you are in the first lane near the curb, you child may enter the car when it reaches the red curb. 

Our parking lot is small and following all the safety guidelines helps keep everyone safe! Thank you for doing your part! 

Thank you for driving safely in our school parking lot. Here are some helpful hints to make drop-off and pick-up a stress free and safe success:

  1. Madera’s lot is a one way.  Please enter only through the entrance. 

  2. There are 3 lanes.  The two lanes closest to the curb are drop-off lanes, only.  No parking.  

  3. The 3rd lane is a through lane.  No students can be dropped off in this lane. 

  4. The yellow curb area is for loading and unloading only. Cars may not be left unattended in this area. 

  5. Students may exit the car in both drop-off lanes on the PASSENGER SIDE only.  

  6. In the second lane, students are to follow the white line to the cross walk. 

  7. Students may only exit the car once your car has reached the point where the red and yellow curb meet (about 3 cars from the crosswalk).

  8. Please pull forward to the crosswalk. 

  9. NEVER allow your child to cross in front of cars or between cars. 

  10. ALWAYS use the crosswalks. If parkied in the front lot under the solar panels-walk under the panels to the crosswalk and then cross safely. 

  11. If you park on the fence side of the front lot, walk on the sidewalk up to the crosswalk and then cross over following the crosswalk to the front of the school. 

  12. NEVER cross at the entrance or the exit. Please walk around and use the sidewalks and crosswalks. 

  13. There is additional parking in the back lot.  Students may enter the school from the back gate. 

  14. ALWAYS follow the directions of the campus supervisors in the parking lot.

  15. Please do not park in any of the red zones.  

  16. K-5th grade students may enter the school through the front gates near the MPR.  Grades 2nd-5th may enter from the back parking lot gate as well.